Exitos Express
1994 to present
Click on the logo to go to the Radio Express Home Page
In 1994, TM Century and Radio Express, Inc. decided to add a Spanish pop edition to the HitDisc™ series. TM and Radio Express co-produced this weekly CD of the best "breakers" in Latin pop music.  The first edition, #50, came out in June of 1994. A few years later, Radio Express took full control the Exitos Express project while TM began its own Latin disc. TM's service is no longer issued, but Exitos Express is now in its 18th year with over 950 weekly editions published since April of '94.

A sample of a weekly Radio Express webpage for the Exitos Express music service.

Here is an early HitDisk© from TM and Radio Express.

Typical Exitos Express content is displayed on this J Card from 2001. Every week Exitos Express brings 15 to 20 of the greatest new releases from all of the Spanish speaking countries of the world. An extensive network of correspondents and affiliated radio stations provides many songs that have not yet gone on sale anywhere in the world!

Here is part of a promotional mailing for Exitos Express from the 90's.

The Radio Express catalog  0f programming services had this description of Exitos Express in 1995.

Radioplay Exitos Y Reggaeton Express
Another view of Exitos Express from the Radio Express catalog.

At the Radio Express booth at NAB in 1994.

A fascinating part of the ongoing involvement with Radio Express has been working with Tom Rounds, who is not just the head of this company. "TR" was one of the Poi Boys at legendary KPOI in Honolulu. He was the first Program Director of KFRC in San Francisco when it became a Top 40 station in the Drake era. And with another Drake PD, Ron Jacobs, he created the model for barter syndication with American Top 40 with Casey Kassem. Click on the article above to read a larger PDF file of this R&R feature written by Erica Farber. 


RadioPlay and the Radio Express logos.

Several years later, Radio Express, Inc. decided to introduce its own series of weekly new music disks, ranching from A/C and CHR to Dance and Urban. Exitos Express became the sole property of Radio Express.  (Click on the logo to go to the Radio Express web)

The content in the RadioPlay series continued to be the same... the breaking songs from all over the Spanish speaking world. Here is the changed look of the logo and the CDs.

In 1999, a new RadioPlay© service was added to cover salsa, merengue and other tropical Latin rhythms. Like Exitos express, a new edition was produced every week for several years, but the decline in salsa and merengue forced the ending of this service after several years. 

The content can be seen on this Tropical Express J-Card.

Click here to go to the Radio Express website.